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Legal Statement

This website contains all the content: ownership of text, graphics, logo, creative, and software belongs to Chengdu realcode Technology Co., Ltd. and the website content / information providers, protected by the Chinese and international copyright law. Copy of all content on this website (meaning collection, combination and re combination), the site has exclusive rights and protected by China and international copyright law. The ownership of all of the software used on this site in Chengdu realcode Technology Co., Ltd. or its software vendors and by Chinese and international copyright law protection. The specific information of this website is reproduced by the site license, and it should be indicated.
Information release clause
Chengdu Ruike Technology Co. Ltd can only be used for legitimate purposes, namely to view information, online consulting, user communication.
Forbidding the release of information published shortage or false information, if it is found that the user in violation of the relevant provisions on the use, we will retain the suspension or termination of the rights of the service to the user.
(2) in all the information published on this web site shall not be in violation of the provisions of the state and local governments on the Internet network information security laws, regulations, rules, management measures and other relevant laws and regulations;
The release of information content released by the information of the user is responsible for the interpretation, and independently bear all the consequences arising from and legal liability.
Through this website have the right to use the user through the website of all information, while preserving the user release information management, modify, delete the right;
Is not authorized by this website, this website will prevent the user information for other purposes.
User privacy clause
Respect the user's personal privacy is a basic policy of Chengdu Ruike technology limited company customer service. Chengdu realcode Technology Co., Ltd. will not in without legal authorization for user to third party public or disclose its registration and preservation in Chengdu realcode Technology Co., Ltd. user platform non disclosure, but the following except:
The reason for its improper user privacy information, leading users to non-public information disclosure;
(2) due to line network, hacker attack, computer virus, government regulation and reasons caused by the leakage of information, lost, stolen or has been tampered with;
The service management of relevant laws or Chengdu Ruike Technology Co. Ltd. is required to provide the user's personal information;
How to maintain the user and the public life and property safety, in case of emergency.
Service termination clause
The Chengdu realcode Technology Co., Ltd. to determine the user's behavior is in accordance with the terms of service requirements of the right, if the Ruike Technology Co., Ltd. Chengdu identified user violates the provisions of the terms of service, have the right to immediately terminate the service to its users and delete the user information;
The Chengdu realcode Technology Co., Ltd. can be based on the actual situation to amend, suspend or terminate the user part or all of the free service, and reserve the right to do not need to tell the user or any third party.
Exemption clause
(1) in this website is not guaranteed to provide the free service will not modify, suspend, terminate, delay, there is no guarantee that user information of absolute integrity and security, for the loss of users free service to modify, suspend, terminate, delay and user information, this website does not assume any responsibility.
The this site only to itself and by Hohhot Municipal Tourism Bureau commissioned information authenticity, validity, accuracy guarantee does not guarantee besides other users released information content the authenticity, validity, accuracy, the information content to be by visitors self confirmation and bear the risk of using the information, and this site does not undertake other than their own other users publish false information caused by the loss, damage or liability.
Service provision and service amendments
Chengdu realcode Technology Co., Ltd. has the right to modify the terms of service when necessary, Ruike Technology Co., Ltd. Chengdu customer service terms once change will in the main page tips modify the content. If you do not agree with the contents of the change, users can automatically stop access to the network service. If users continue to enjoy the network service, then as a change in terms of acceptance of services.

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